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Lengua inglesa
1 operational research; operations research.
2 US state Oregon. Also written Ore. or Oreg.
3 mil other ranks.
1 operational research; operations research.
2 US state Oregon. Also written Ore. or Oreg.
3 mil other ranks.
conjunction used to introduce:
1 alternatives red or pink or blue .
2 a synonym or explanation a puppy or young dog .
3 an afterthought She's laughing ? or is she crying?
4 the second part of an indirect question Ask her whether she thinks he'll come or not .
5 because if not; or else Run or you'll be late .
6 and not never joins in or helps .
[13c: a contraction of other]
or else
1 otherwise.
2 colloq expressing a threat or warning Give it to me or else!
or rather or to be more accurate He went too, or rather I heard he did .
or so about; roughly been there two hours or so .
conjunction used to introduce:
1 alternatives red or pink or blue .
2 a synonym or explanation a puppy or young dog .
3 an afterthought She's laughing ? or is she crying?
4 the second part of an indirect question Ask her whether she thinks he'll come or not .
5 because if not; or else Run or you'll be late .
6 and not never joins in or helps .
[13c: a contraction of other]
or else
1 otherwise.
2 colloq expressing a threat or warning Give it to me or else!
or rather or to be more accurate He went too, or rather I heard he did .
or so about; roughly been there two hours or so .
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adj. Que no puede ser reprendido o reprochado por considerarse correcto .
(Del gr. phlogosis .)
s. f. MEDICINA Alteración patológica en una parte...
1 s. f. Actitud de la persona que dice la verdad obrando con buena intención .
pref. Componente de palabra procedente del gr. kinesis , que significa movimiento .