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Lengua inglesa
symbol , chem tellurium.
symbol , chem tellurium.
te or ti
noun (tes or tis ) music in sol-fa notation: the seventh note of the major scale. Formerly called si.
[19c in the form si : from the initial sounds of Sancte Iohannes in a medieval Latin hymn, certain syllables and sounds of which were used in naming the notes of the scale]
noun (tes or tis ) music in sol-fa notation: the seventh note of the major scale. Formerly called si.
[19c in the form si : from the initial sounds of Sancte Iohannes in a medieval Latin hymn, certain syllables and sounds of which were used in naming the notes of the scale]
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adj. Que no puede ser reprendido o reprochado por considerarse correcto .
(Del gr. phlogosis .)
s. f. MEDICINA Alteración patológica en una parte...
1 s. f. Actitud de la persona que dice la verdad obrando con buena intención .
pref. Componente de palabra procedente del gr. kinesis , que significa movimiento .